Wednesday, November 23, 2011

We're Thankful For...

Amanda, Andi, Ashlyn, Brian, Catherine, Christina, Cindy, Eric, Heidi, Isabel, Jack, Jared, Jen, Lauren, Lisa, Matt, Meghan, Otis, Patrick, Sophia, Tobias, Linda, Alan, Rebecca, Lynn, Andrew, Barbara, Paul, Lauren, Rick, Robin, Paul, Michelle, Scott, Kim, Mike, Mary, Steve, Lauren, Peter, Tamara, Jake, Elizabeth, Kate, Lauren, Michael, Sarah, Mark, Judith, Brian, Ed, Michael, Nancy, Mandy, Carry, Jane, Sam, Kelly, Beth, Deborah, West Seattle Blog, Kimber, Kate, Jenny, Julie, Phillip, Amanda, Monica, Matt, Debbie, Ed and Strategic Living

A heartfelt thank you to those who have contributed to the Anna Banana Milk Fund! We look forward to reaching our goal of 350 donors by Christmastime!

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